Axcel’s Excel Web - Excel Makro-Programmierung © by Axcel                                                                                                                      Impressum

Excel-Macro Projects

On this website, I compiled a few selected Excel projects that I have programmed in VBA in the past and in part still sporadically enhance. They were always inspired and initiated out of a need in the everyday (working-)life and offer a user-friendly and intuitive operability through the familiar Excel interface. Some of my projects may be useful also to others which is why I offer them here for download. General Download The files offered for download may be downloaded and used freely. The use of my Excel programs is at your own risk! The program code is inaccessible and protected.   The Excel file can be only be copied and used freely along with all related attachments. Without my permission a change or redistribution of the software is not permitted, individually or in software collections. I reserve all copyrights on my workbooks offered here. Despite the personal commitment and devotion of the author to offer software of highest possible quality, the following disclaimer applies:


Given the current state of the technology, it is not possible to produce software that is guaranteed to run error-free under all conditions or even a single configuration. Any warranty or guarantee claims against the author or the supplier are excluded, whether they are explicit, enclosed tacitly or given in the context of mutual communications. Excluded in particular is a tacitly enclosed guarantee for his quality, achievement, market ability or suitability for a certain purpose. Furthermore, the author or supplier assumes no warranty or responsibility with regard to corrections, accuracy, reliability, timeliness of the product or its extensions. Responsibility for the use of the programs offered here and the results arising therefrom lie exclusively with the user. Under no circumstances shall the author or the supplier of the software be held liable for any damages, including loss of data, loss of profits, profit margins or other incidental, consequential or indirect damages that may arise from use of the workbook or the documentation, regardless of the cause of the damage or the basis of the liability claim. This limitation applies even if the author or the supplier of the software have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Should one of these points be legally invalid, national law takes his place which comes closest to the idea of this agreement. All other conditions remain valid.
Hello  and Welcome ÜAbout the author I’ve been programming Excel macros as a hobby since the late 90s. At that time, a small booklet of the KnowWare publishing company about VBA was the starting point for me. Till this day I do not pursue programming professionally, but I am therefore even more ambitious to make everday working life a little easier thanks to automated Excel files. Both colleagues but also myself are always amazed about what is possible with Excel. Most of my Excel projects created for the work place are still being used by colleagues who appreciate the comfort of Excel automation. ÜContact
Axcel’s Excel Web - Excel Makro-Programmierung © by Axcel
Hello and Welcome

Excel-Macro Projects

On this website, I compiled a few selected Excel projects that I have programmed in VBA in the past and in part still sporadically enhance. They were always inspired and initiated out of a need in the everyday (working-)life and offer a user- friendly and intuitive operability through the familiar Excel interface. Some of my projects may be useful also to others which is why I offer them here for download. General Download The files offered for download may be downloaded and used freely. The use of my Excel programs is at your own risk! The program code is inaccessible and protected.   The Excel file can be only be copied and used freely along with all related attachments. Without my permission a change or redistribution of the software is not permitted, individually or in software collections. I reserve all copyrights on my workbooks offered here. Despite the personal commitment and devotion of the author to offer software of highest possible quality, the following disclaimer applies:


Given the current state of the technology, it is not possible to produce software that is guaranteed to run error-free under all conditions or even a single configuration. Any warranty or guarantee claims against the author or the supplier are excluded, whether they are explicit, enclosed tacitly or given in the context of mutual communications. Excluded in particular is a tacitly enclosed guarantee for his quality, achievement, market ability or suitability for a certain purpose. Furthermore, the author or supplier assumes no warranty or responsibility with regard to corrections, accuracy, reliability, timeliness of the product or its extensions. Responsibility for the use of the programs offered here and the results arising therefrom lie exclusively with the user. Under no circumstances shall the author or the supplier of the software be held liable for any damages, including loss of data, loss of profits, profit margins or other incidental, consequential or indirect damages that may arise from use of the workbook or the documentation, regardless of the cause of the damage or the basis of the liability claim. This limitation applies even if the author or the supplier of the software have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Should one of these points be legally invalid, national law takes his place which comes closest to the idea of this agreement. All other conditions remain valid.

About the Author

I’ve been programming Excel macros as a hobby since the late 90s. At that time, a small booklet of the KnowWare publishing company about VBA was the starting point for me. Till this day I do not pursue programming professionally, but I am therefore even more ambitious to make everday working life a little easier thanks to automated Excel files. Both colleagues but also myself are always amazed about what is possible with Excel. Most of my Excel projects created for the work place are still being used by colleagues who appreciate the comfort of Excel automation. A small request… Should one of my automated Excel files be useful to you I would appreciate besides your feedback a little donation from your side which would also provide incentive for further developments…  :-)
Axcel’s Excel W e b
Axcel’s Excel W e b