Axcel’s Excel Web - Excel Makro-Programmierung © by Axcel                                                                                                                      Impressum

Route database and seachart inventory

Axcel ChartManagement finds its application on board ships. In this Excel program, route data can be stored, easily seached, filtered and retrieved. It also offers a convenient management of seacharts carried on board. The program combines both elements and offers the possibility to fill in a voyage planning form embedded in the Excel file. Especially with almost daily routes and dense port rotation a lot of time can be saved as some information (such as total distance, river times and river distances, radio frequencies, nautical publications etc.) can be reused on repeatedly travelled voyage legs. Intuitive use The chart management consists of two worksheets: “Charts all” and “Charts by Folios”. Both worksheets are interlinked and any change made on one worksheet will be reflected on the other. A total of 20 chart folios are available to the user to arrange and group the chart stock (e.g.: one folio for a certain trading area or representing the content of a drawer in the chart table on the bridge). Each chart can be assigned a “date on board” and a “date off”. All seacharts required for a particular voyage leg (stored with route information in the route database) will automatically be crossed-checked with the inventory list as soon as a particular route is loeded and the status of each chart is immediatly displayed by the use of a simple colour code. .
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Microsoft Excel file containing macros (Execution of macros needs to be enabled in Excel!)
Sample voyage planning form (no guarantee for compliance with ISM, port- state or flag-state requirements/regulations)
Routen- Datenbank Seekarten-Verwaltung Routen-Planung Axcel Chart Management
Axcel’s Excel Web - Excel Makro-Programmierung © by Axcel

Route database and seachart inventory

Axcel ChartManagement finds its application on board ships. In this Excel program, route data can be stored, easily seached, filtered and retrieved. It also offers a convenient management of seacharts carried on board. The program combines both elements and offers the possibility to fill in a voyage planning form embedded in the Excel file. Especially with almost daily routes and dense port rotation a lot of time can be saved as some information (such as total distance, river times and river distances, radio frequencies, nautical publications etc.) can be reused on repeatedly travelled voyage legs. Intuitive use The chart management consists of two worksheets: “Charts all” and “Charts by Folios”. Both worksheets are interlinked and any change made on one worksheet will be reflected on the other. A total of 20 chart folios are available to the user to arrange and group the chart stock (e.g.: one folio for a certain trading area or representing the content of a drawer in the chart table on the bridge). Each chart can be assigned a “date on board” and a “date off”. All seacharts required for a particular voyage leg (stored with route information in the route database) will automatically be crossed-checked with the inventory list as soon as a particular route is loeded and the status of each chart is immediatly displayed by the use of a simple colour code. .
Routen- Datenbank Seekarten-Verwaltung Routen-Planung Axcel Chart Management Ü  Download
Microsoft Excel file containing macros (Execution of macros needs to be enabled in Excel!)
Sample voyage planning form (no guarantee for compliance with ISM, port-state or flag-state requirements/regulations)
Axcel’s Excel W e b
Axcel’s Excel W e b